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    Interviewing Essentials: Finding the Best Person for the Job

    Date: May 14, 2019, 7:30am – 9:30am
    Shauneen Scott
    Mexico Room #304, Broadway Commons 1300 Broadway St, Salem, Oregon
    $20.00 per SHRM members. $25.00 for non-members. Students $5
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    SHRMA Presents:

    Interviewing Essentials:  Finding the Best Person for the Job


    Most leaders say they didn’t intend to hire the performance disaster or the walking lawsuit, and yet, it seems to happen with startling frequency. So what went wrong? Employees do not spontaneously combust into problem employees. Could it be poor planning, a lack of understanding about the job, job requirements, or something else? Yes to all! Interviewing and selecting the best person for a job is one of the most important functions a leader has, and, unfortunately, the most overlooked. Join us as we explore interviewing and hiring secrets designed to find and select the best person for the job.

    Presenter: Jennifer Bouman-Steagall

    Red Kite Employment Law founder Jennifer Bouman-Steagall is a dynamic Storyteller, trusted HR Business Partner and experienced Employment Defense Attorney with over 20 years’ experience representing and working closely with Pacific Northwest employers.

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