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Event Details

    HR Lunch Bunch - Salem

    Date: October 31, 2018, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Deborah Jeffries
    626 High St., 2nd floor Salem, OR
    No cost
    Event Type:
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    October is National Disabilities Month

    Developing an Accessible Workplace

    IF not now the when?  Our conversation will focus on breaking down the barriers that employers think exists around the conversation of employees with disabilities.

    We have invited staff members from Incight to join us.  Their mission is “Unlocking the Potential of People and Empowering Them to be Contributing Members of Society.”

    Come prepared to have a robust conversation.  We can take a look at the myths that people have around hiring individuals with disabilities, how HR can help introduce more people with disabilities into the workforce, accommodations and more.

    Remember, this is your meeting, so come prepared to participate to share your experiences and bring along your questions.  This is a great time and place to share your “learnings” with other attendees!!


    P.S. To learn more you can check out Incights YouTube page here: